Showing posts with label survivor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label survivor. Show all posts

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I started a conversation with another world : the islands of the sixth sense and they are under construction now . a quick pic for starters.

So I am thinking about six worlds ... well obviously the ellementals four + 1 , earth, air, fire, water + ether and the sixth element illusionary will be difficult to reach the paths to it will be not obvious or complex ... the pathways to the other islands will be as easy as their interactivity demands ... I see a viewing platform in the centre and then it becomes a tripod and the tripod is reversed as two interlocking tetrahedrons ... that the sixth path ... well let me get to the adventure and report back to you!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

This is a gathering of sticks from the jungle in Fiji ... I brought them back to my room and photographed them as well as making a totem in my room during the three months i was there ... and you have seen it or will see it in my 3D modeling ... odd how these things appear in my story and then i remember where i have seen them ... I modeled the twirl in Hexagon as I was learning to sweep paths then looking through the images on the mac to port across to the PC i found this as well as others to publish here .