Showing posts with label artworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artworks. Show all posts

Friday, September 3, 2010


the title is misleading it never ever ran like clockwork ... I tried ... went to the foundry made some objects ... flung them about in space and assembled some disorder ... another pile of debris that resembles order like clockwork!

I want to spend some time animating now. got to get some wheels in motion ... get some leverage and dig myself back to the surface !

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

boschian ripoffs

whew where am I now? I have to do some research find the coordinates pin it down for a bit! or a byte!

i made this inside a space heaven, interesting restriction I had not anticipated, although I should have! i lost my ambient light and the distant light so i need to set up some illumination inside the spherical space.

it is getting very sculptural now OK back to it before it shifts its paralelity to my universe I will keep u posted!

a friend from artzone asked how i get the ideas for these images so here is a small tale related to the scene above :

i just start a piece by picking an object out of my model folder. Then for these few renders I found a sort of starry colour map on the textures site. I just like to look around for odd things like tiled roofing or sky maps and the yellowy orange map just jumped forward and said 'USE ME - USE ME! ( i recognise this call from my own voice as i am always calling out too) the rest is history ... I started with the column and I have this thing going with Eau Pears but I am thinking of those girls .... a pear appears and I had one in my folder .... well the world doesnt notice unless you use a bit of STICK and this is what i do I get a stick wield it around the arena of light find a home for it ... perhaps near the pear .... but how to place it ? ... along comes a flourish in the form of a rust twirl ... I see that the stick will fit in here with a bit of resizing ... the world is taking shape ... i made a cylindrical base ... I wanted a bit of relection but not clear like a mirror so i chose to make the surface of the cylinder polished copper .... I between time I am looking around in my computer to see where the hell I stored all my files ... the scene is a bit bare ... i found a berry in my model folder so i placed it on the dish ... before I could stop it 'springtwitter jumped into my mind and dragged herself onto the screen ... I tried to warn her off this was not a place for her to fly yet !.... no way next thing i knew I had her hanging of the stick and she was caught .... then I didnt want to feel the guilt of having placed the stick itself so I thought i could share the blame with the two spirals that i hung on the stick ... I added a loop and hung a smokey spiral of it ... haha! you see it was the distraction that caused the accident .... not I!! ... I put up a plane and stuck on some tiles I found washed them out for a bit more mystery then the idea came to me to use a sheprical sky so I made a big sphere and added the yellow orange map to it .... SHIT!!! every thing went dark the scene light was outside and I had turned the ambience off ...

This is what i like now i got to light up the pieces and watch the shadows appear and amaze me .... ( I find it a great help to the imagination to watch the shadows appear on the scenes ) sometimes i will move the camera around to find the best shadow and have it as a focus. I am always amazed ! although I expect them to be there because i have lights I never know all the objects that will throw a shadow ... tuning turning they too start their story ... I wonder what they represent to me ... it is a bit like a dream really the thing i recognise the shadow to be is telling me something about my life right now .... Next I started to add lights ... a couple of spots with light comes for some drama ... enter the fogg .... the story became a little confused and fog set in ... i grabbed a couple of springs and enveloped the fog ... important!! so I added the xxxxxxx x x x x x 's the disc was a bit thin so I added some depth and made a frame out of it ... still it didnt work floating so I tried my dome thistle thingiee and gave it a short haircut for lawn .... HA! I made a suburb ... i went shopping brough a couple of new pears and chucked them on the column ... looking through my hex models file I found a couple of darts I had not used ... soooo befcause it looked like a target on the ground i chucked them at it and the landed ( i cheated and moved them into possy .. DESIGN RULES! )

that is pretty much it ... there is ofcourse a lot more going on in the dialog with my waking dream but that has passed and I would need to keep a journal of the events as they pass ...

doeoflight, I hope this gives you an inkling of the events that make my works.

if it sounds like a lot of dribble ... then ... yes, my entire world is just a bit of dribble hanging of the sages lip .................

Monday, May 24, 2010

the second temptation of adam

I experimented in gimp to make a bit of mosaic into a seamless tile then it suited this tree form I had made so I thought ! a little diversion into sur reality .. i wanted to represent the pear from the au pear tree story again, as the new temptation, the apple having already had all the good press from those past events ... now it is time for the pear ... and here it are! the au pear a new temptation ... the pear is glowing in the light ... the two hemispheres are murky water and clean air ... i liked the way the shape of the dish cut into the scene so i mirrored it for emphasis ... this is all going good ... I am pretty busy now with film work will not be able to download as much might be weekends only .... comments welcome ...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

a little more play and some atmosphere added and another dragon appeared

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dragon, a bit of hexagon modeling ... I am not really happy with the head so i will try another style maybe I will use the new jugger for head ... doing my roof tomorrow may not have much to post ... well I could take some pics ... we'll see!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

a new little shuffle i have been working on ... not much time these last few days getting my fireplace back operational for winter ... more to come soon ... enjoy

Thursday, May 6, 2010

inside the treehouse

and inside the tree ... the leaves came through the wall from the outside but i like it then i placed some Ikea that i made and chucked down a carpet ... it is a bit messy with the toys strewn around but then that is the way the world remains .... messy !
a couple of views the forge is now fired up and after days of negotiating i have convinced ariel that my seeing inside would be illumination to us all ... the equipment is nearly all here and we can get going on the repairs ... I have decided on a complete makeover and we will be fitting the deep space shells and superchargers ...

Monday, May 3, 2010


here is the closeup will allow u to see a little more of the scene .. i turned the leaves off for a quicker render

repairs at the end of day one

this is where I ended up .. I really love the reflections in the ocean and will do a closeup enlarged render from there to take to photoshop for a workover ...

I am also posting a closeup of this scene ... today I made a ladder, hammer, pliers, blueprints, forge, and i planted a bunch of vegetation ... the eau pair must be close to bearing fruit here any day now i believe .. the ocean is calming and repairs seem to be going forward ...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I started a conversation with another world : the islands of the sixth sense and they are under construction now . a quick pic for starters.

So I am thinking about six worlds ... well obviously the ellementals four + 1 , earth, air, fire, water + ether and the sixth element illusionary will be difficult to reach the paths to it will be not obvious or complex ... the pathways to the other islands will be as easy as their interactivity demands ... I see a viewing platform in the centre and then it becomes a tripod and the tripod is reversed as two interlocking tetrahedrons ... that the sixth path ... well let me get to the adventure and report back to you!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

well this is where I am going to stop for a while ... added a house in the distance .. with some outside plumbing that will get more detail as we get closer to it had a play with the plants ... i put a smaller plant inside another and made it flatter and raised it up to be flowers after changing the color map of the leaves ...not happy with the long path yet i would rather see the texture sq but i need to make something new now so That's it for now ... and yes first time grass from hair ..
tell me what you think

made a sky added some blue colour to break it up a bit extended the path and planted a forrest of au pears .... now i will open the gate a bit and import the treeshape for the distance ... i made some soup for the forrest to grow in and look at all the lovely shadows!
this looks a little more promising now to find some highlights and add the faerie fountain ... tomorrow

Sunday, April 25, 2010

This is a gathering of sticks from the jungle in Fiji ... I brought them back to my room and photographed them as well as making a totem in my room during the three months i was there ... and you have seen it or will see it in my 3D modeling ... odd how these things appear in my story and then i remember where i have seen them ... I modeled the twirl in Hexagon as I was learning to sweep paths then looking through the images on the mac to port across to the PC i found this as well as others to publish here .

physics in cararra

a small animation in Cararra showing the physics used to bounce the nectar gatherer on a reflective surface... I am amazed by the fine implementation of this ability in the program ... just love it ... need more RAM to get more out!

dummy runn

run dummy run! I noticed the mannequin lying on the shelf and realised it is the last of the clip models i used for a while now ... into reinventing the wheel again and realise that in my life this is what i have been doing all along ... reinventing unnecessarily but it seems unavoidable to me now ... it is just my approach to life I face the events that are my life and make it up as i pass along ... the fools own journey !...

shelf life

I have to hang my hat up for a while the present systems shelf life has come to pass ...
Boo Hoo .... I realise ( although long suspected) that the PC I am working on has limitations .... I need to fix it .... I was starting a render of the present world I am working in and had to make everything boxes to get the scene to move into camera sights soooooooooooo slow! I think RAM first then a faster processor ... well I will spend a bit more time on getting my art gallery into picasa ...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

small steps

Ok, so i looked at my first post and suddenly ( as always) the memory of a previous book cover came to me ..... I will search it out and publish it here, I am constantly amazed that the ordinary objects that surround me appear in my art works .... uninvited just appear and demand to hold a place there! Mostly I appease the muse and allow all assaults on my creative stream ... in the mean time another pic .... this is where I am hanging out at the moment, helping to fix a gallery of 12 prints outside the 'au pair trees' house somewhere in inner space

post one

I am working on a couple of projects this image is to be part of the mancalla game journey a series of 48 worlds to visit with text. the will eventually end up replacing the stuff on my webpage. I am new to blogging tried to start before but I always end up making art instead of showing art lol